I have been on a journey to obtain a few IT certifications over the next couple of years. Before I began this journey, I thought the hardest part about getting an IT certification was learning the actual concepts. Yes, that part can be challenging. But, to be honest, I found the hardest part was staying consistent with studying. Once I got consistent it was much easier to learn and retain the information. Here are some study tips I use to help me stay consistent with studying.
Study Schedule
Pick a time to study. I found it helpful to pick the same time everyday. That way it is easier to fall into a routine. If your schedule does not allow this then pick times that work for you. Once you know what time you plan to study write it on a piece of paper and display it somewhere you will see everyday. This will serve as a study reminder.
No Notifications
Limit distractions. Before I begin studying I turn off all my notifications on my phone. Sometimes I just turn off my phone or I let the battery die. My friends and my family also know when I study so they do not interrupt me during this time. My friends also purposefully avoid asking me to hang out during my study time. This is really helpful because I don’t have to fight myself to say “no” to them.
Break up studying in to small bites. I use the pomodoro study technique. This is when you study for 25 mins and then take a 5 minute break. After doing that set 4 times you can take a 15min to 1hour break and then repeat it again. I love this technique because it makes studying feel more manageable.
Clean Desk
Keep your desk and the area around it minimal. When you study at home it can be easy to get distracted. One minute you are studying then the next minute you are organizing your junk draw. My desk is facing a wall and I only keep my laptop, lamp and studying materials on top. There is nothing underneath or to the side of my desk. This signals to my brain that when I sit at my desk the only thing I need to focus on is studying.
Hands On Experience
Get as much hands on experience as you can. I find the more experience I have with a concept the easier it is to study. Try to get either work experience or practice skills in a lab environment.
Believe in yourself. Know that you can succeed and visualize your success. Many times before I study I read or listen to positive affirmations about passing exams. In addition, I work to develop a mindset that I am persistent and diligent. A book that really helped me develop my mindset was “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins. I highly recommend reading that book.